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- November 27, 1990
- Updated March 17, 1993
- Telecommunications Division
- (916)427-4281
- These Bulletins have been broadcast since the Fifties for Amateur
- Radio operators to copy on Monday nights. Written by the Chief of
- the Telecommunications Division and his staff, they were
- transmitted for years by retired State RACES Radio Officer Marion
- Henson (W6NKR).
- The Bulletins are written today by myself and our staff
- statewide, as well as by Amateurs and officials from other
- organizations. We hope that the answers to many of your questions
- will be answered in the Bulletins. They are intended to help
- provide guidance and ideas in the development and management of
- the "deputy communicators" in our governments -- our RACES
- volunteers. We welcome feedback and inputs. These messages, we
- learned, have cleared up long standing misunderstandings.
- If you don't have a RACES unit in your government, we welcome the
- opportunity to present a RACES seminar in your community. The
- seminar is for all of the Amateur Radio operators in your
- operational area and its government officials. The RACES seminar
- addresses the Who/What/Why/When/Where & How of using Amateur
- Radio operators to provide emergency communications for their
- civil defense/emergency management agency. It often includes
- demonstrations of airborne color television transmission and high
- speed digital radio communications called packet. No where else
- in government can these modern modes of communications be
- provided more economically and enthusiastically than through
- Amateur Radio.
- The RACES is not a doomsday resource of last resort. The RACES is
- not a radio system that is called up when all other systems fail.
- Far from it. The RACES is usually brought on line to parallel the
- existing public safety communications during an emergency
- incident. In a big emergency there are never enough communication
- circuits.
- The RACES can be employed often to maintain interest and
- proficiency among these volunteers. Many of these Bulletins will
- show how is done.
- Asst. Chief, Telecommunications Division
- Amateur Radio Service Coordinator/State RACES Radio Officer
- Governor's Office of Emergency Services
- 2800 Meadowview Rd., Sacramento, CA 95832
- Phone (916)427-4281 Fax (916)427-4215
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- Those messages that referred to dated announcements of meetings
- or events no longer of interest have been removed. A copy of any
- message (or a complete set) is available to any governmental
- jurisdiction at no cost. Copies are available to individuals,
- four at a time, in return for an SASE; complete sets for $5 check
- payable to STATE OF CALIFORNIA to cover postage and reproduction.
- Call or write for details.
- 85-1 The weekly State RACES Bulletins.
- 85-2 State RACES Net. 30 Meter band added to RACES. Volun-
- teers must be registered Disaster service Workers.
- 85-3 Surplus equipment available.
- 85-4 Amateur TV demonstrated.
- 85-5 The RACES Plan. Four levels of plans.
- 85-6 The RACES Plan. Many are out of date.
- 85-7 RACES Coordinator's travel plans.
- 85-9 Technical: Portable Radio Batteries
- 85-10 Request to read Bulletins on VHF/UHF radio nets.
- 85-12 Ojai forest fire and other news.
- 85-13 San Jose World Police & Fire games; State OES
- recruiting.
- 85-14 Questions and answers.
- 85-15 RACES cannot be used for only one department.
- 85-16 Do federal agencies have RACES?
- 85-17 Does the RACES provide equipment to radio Amateurs?
- 85-18 State OES recruiting hams for Sacramento, L.A.,
- Pleasant Hill, and Redding.
- 86-20 Amateur Radio is major topic at National APCO conference
- 86-21 The Emergency Broadcast System and Amateur Radio
- 86-22 RACES seminar to be held in Mariposa
- 86-23 Surplus property available
- 85-25 Antenna restrictions and FCC's PRB-1
- 85-26 Storm Preparedness/Flood Awareness Week
- 85-27 FCC Form 610
- 85-28 Mexican earthquake briefing by Richard Andrews
- 85-29 Rainfall report to date
- 85-30 Packet radio is operational at State OES HQ 12/2/85
- 85-31 FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
- 85-32 Mexico City earthquake
- 1 9 8 6
- Number Title
- 86-1 Antenna Safety
- 86-2 Packet radio. Siskiyou County RACES/ARES meeting.
- 86-3 Technical: Underwriters Labs over/under voltage device
- 86-4 Definition of "RACES"
- 86-5 Weekly State RACES Net
- 86-6 Uses for the RACES - Part 1
- 86-7 Uses for the RACES - Part 2
- 86-8 Critique (of an earthquake exercise using hams)
- 86-9 Floods
- 86-9X Floods
- 86-10 CB Linear Crackdown
- 86-11 Kern County RACES
- 86-13 Who activates the RACES?
- 86-14 One-hour exercise question
- 86-15 El Dorado County RACES
- 86-16 Portable repeaters
- 86-17 Radio Officers
- 86-18 Family Care
- 86-19 HF Radio is Very Important
- 86-20 Yes, Non-Hams Can Join Too!
- 86-21 Earthquake Alarms - Part 1/2
- 86-22 Earthquake Alarms - Part 2/2
- 86-23 Rubber Duck Antennas - Part 1/3
- 86-24 Rubber Duck Antennas - Part 2/3
- 86-25 Rubber Duck Antennas - Part 3/3
- 86-26 Bill of Rights for Volunteers
- 86-27 Richter Scale
- 86-28 ARES and RACES. Earthquake activation Riverside
- 86-29 Earthquake Preparedness List for Home and Family
- 86-30 Packet Expanding
- 86-31 ATV Antenna on Aircraft
- 86-32 Earthquakes
- 86-33 RACES History - Part 1/2
- 86-34 RACES History - Part 2/2
- 86-35 ARRL, ARES and RACES
- 86-36 Photocopiers (warning on potential eye damage)
- 86-37 Proper Communications Channels
- 86-38 Packet Tips
- 86-40 California SAR 1985 Statistics Released
- 86-41 Packet Recommended for Every OES/CD Agency
- 86-42 RACES Program Guidance Policy
- 86-43 What is a RACES Station?
- 86-44 Portable Radio Tip
- 86-45 New State OES Callsign
- 86-46 New Year's Greetings!
- 1 9 8 7
- 701 Equipment Liability - Questions and Answers
- 702 Mono County Hams Wanted
- 703 County RACES Officers
- 704 RACES pamphlets
- 705 News from State OES HQ RACES
- 706 Mailed Bulletins to be reduced
- 707 New State OES Region Manager is a ham (N6ECP)
- 708 Kings County goes RACES
- 709 National Dispatcher's Week
- 710 California dams
- 711 Emergency Management agency via ham radio
- The following six messages are specifically intended for all
- State and local OES employees in California:
- 712 RACES program management problems - Part 1
- 713 RACES program management problems - Part 2
- 714 RACES program management problems - Part 3
- 715 RACES program management problems - Part 4
- 716 RACES program management problems - Part 5
- 717 RACES program management problems - Part 6
- 718 State RACES Plan cover errata - misspelling!
- 719 Volunteers deportment and appearance - Part 1
- 720 Volunteers deportment and appearance - Part 2
- 721 Delivering the message to your OES agency
- 721A Hams help wanted in Southern California!
- 722 Packet radio demonstrations, how to do - Part 1
- 723 Packet radio demonstrations, how to do - Part 2
- 724 Packet radio demonstrations, how to do - Part 3
- 725 Packet radio demonstrations, how to do - Part 4
- (The above 4 messages describe how best to successfully
- demonstrate packet radio to government entities and eliminate
- embarrassments and Murphy's Law)
- 726 Hurricanes, names for all the 1987 season
- 727 (missing)
- 728 Identification cards wanted (samples from any jurisdiction)
- 729 1987 earthquake exercise - Part 1
- 730 SAR City USA (Nov. 1987 seminar in Barstow, CA)
- 731 1987 earthquake exercise - Part 2
- 732 1987 earthquake exercise - Part 3
- 733 1987 earthquake exercise - Part 4
- 734 1987 earthquake exercise - Part 5
- 736 Definition of the RACES
- 737 CCDN and RACES Bulletins - Part 1 of 2
- 738 CCDN and RACES Bulletins - Part 2 of 2
- 739 Use of ID cards policy
- 740 Volunteers responding policy
- 741 Flow of communications; city to county to State
- 742 Training writeups wanted to share statewide
- 743 Will you attend the Emergency Response Institute '88?
- 744 Tsunami; definition and training discussion
- 745 ICS videotape (available from State OES PAO)
- 746 Season's Greetings from the State OES Director
- 747 RACES Bulletin numbering system to change
- 1 9 8 8
- The RACES Bulletins are transmitted weekly via the nationwide
- packet radio system. Look for them addressed to "RACES" from
- 001 Call Waiting Telephone Feature
- 002 RACES Responders (do's and don'ts)
- 003 New RACES Patch (now available in cloth)
- 004 Be Winter Wise - Part 1
- 005 Be Winter Wise - Part 2
- 006 Be Winter Wise - Part 3
- 007 Be Winter Wise - Part 4
- 008 Be Winter Wise - Part 5
- 009 Be Winter Wise - Part 6
- 010 Statement of Mission (e.g., of the State OES)
- 011 Policy and Practices
- 012 Plans: New 2-Meter Simplex Plan Available
- 013 Definition: Volunteers Defined
- 014 Responder's Checklist
- 015 Radio Officer's Data Base (e.g., for mutual aid) - Part 1
- 016 Radio Officer's Data Base (e.g., for mutual aid) - Part 2
- 017 The Impact of Amateur radio Operators on Highway Safety - 1/2
- 018 The Impact of Amateur radio Operators on Highway Safety - 1/2
- 019- Organization - Parts 1 through 4 (complete )(e.g., RACES)
- 022
- 023 Definition: Level 1 and Level 2 Volunteers
- 024 Accident Reports by Radio (how to make)
- 025 Definition: The EBS (Emergency Broadcast System)
- 026 Technical: Ferrite Beads and radio Interference
- 027 Technical: Grounding System
- 028 Organization: Recruiting Volunteers
- 029 "The California Earthquake" by Robert S. Hoover, KA6HZF
- 030 Bulletin 029 errata
- 031 Statewide County RACES Survey - Part 1
- 032 Statewide County RACES Survey - Part 2
- 033 Statewide County RACES Survey - Part 3
- 034 Statewide County RACES Survey - Part 4
- 035 Statewide County RACES Survey - Part 5
- 036 Statewide County RACES Survey - Part 6
- 037 Statewide County RACES Survey - Part 7
- 038 1989 Search and Rescue Training (Schedule)
- 039 CDF&FP Glossary - Part 1 (CA Dept. of Forestry & Fire Protection
- 040 CDF&FP Glossary - Part 2 (CA Dept. of Forestry & Fire Protection
- 041 CDF&FP Glossary - Part 3 (CA Dept. of Forestry & Fire Protection
- 042 Surplus Property (e.g., procedures on how to obtain)
- 043 Nationwide Distribution (of CA State RACES Bulletins to start)
- 044 Thank You for 1988!
- 045 Mutual Aid Communications - Part 1
- 1 9 8 9
- The RACES is a unit established and maintained by state and
- local governments in the U.S. to provide its disaster management
- or civil defense agencies with emergency communications by and
- with Amateur Radio resources. RACES personnel are encouraged to
- participate in and cooperate with the American Radio Relay
- League's ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) to maximize the
- training, effectiveness and utilization of all Amateurs committed
- to emergency communications.
- The RACES Bulletins are transmitted weekly via the nationwide
- packet radio system. Look for them addressed to "RACES" from
- 046 Mutual Aid Communications - Part 2
- 047 Mutual Aid Communications - Part 3
- 048 State Fire Chief Barrows Retires
- 049 Deputy Chief State Radio Officer (appointment of WB6MOQ)
- 050 Excellent County RACES Newsletter (Orange County, CA)
- 051 What is a Public Safety Comm System - Part 1
- 052 What is a Public Safety Comm System - Part 2
- 053 What Can We Expect - Part 1 (e.g., realities in a disaster)
- 054 What Can We Expect - Part 2
- 055 What Can We Expect - Part 3
- 056 What Can we Expect - Part 4
- 057 What Can We Expect - Part 5
- 058 What Can We Expect - Part 6
- 059 What Can We Expect - Part 7
- 060 What Can We Expect - Part 8
- 061 What Can We Expect - Part 9
- 062 Are You Really Earthquake Free? (Only TX, LA, and AL are safe!)
- 063 April Was Beat the Quake Month in California
- 064 Out of Sight is Out of Mind (e.g., volunteers' shortcoming)
- 065 Technical: EMP Devices (info on Electromagnetic Pulse)
- 066 USAFR "Rescue 621" - Part 1
- 067 USAFR "Rescue 621" - Part 2
- 068 What About Family? - Part 1 (a discussion on duty and family)
- 069 What About Family? - Part 2
- 070 What About Family? - Part 3
- 071 What About Family? - Part 4
- 072 What About Family? - Part 5
- 073 Who Runs the RACES? - Part 1
- 074 Who Runs the RACES? - Part 2
- 075 Emergency Packet Communications - Part 1
- 076 Emergency Packet Communications - Part 2
- 077 RACES Activities - Part 1 (e.g., things the RACES can do)
- 078 RACES Activities - Part 2
- 079 RACES Activities - Part 3
- 080 ICS Responder's Checklist
- 081 ICS Proper Radio Usage
- 082 Antennas and Slingshots - Part 1 by WA6EQQ
- 083 Antennas and Slingshots - Part 2
- 084 Antennas and Slingshots - Part 3
- 085 Antennas and Slingshots - Part 4
- 086 Antennas and Slingshots - Part 5
- 087 Technical: Station License Questions
- 088 Definition: What is the RACES?
- 089 DSW (Disaster Service Worker) ID Card Soon to Be a Reality
- 090 Earthquake Observations - Part 1/2
- 091 Earthquake Observations - Part 2/2
- 092 Flight 232 Communications Lessons Learned
- 093 Packet Terminal Specifications - Part 1/3
- 094 Packet Terminal Specifications - Part 2/3
- 095 Packet Terminal Specifications - Part 3/3
- 096 Level of a Volunteer's Activity - Part 1/2
- 097 Level of a Volunteer's Activity - Part 2/2
- 098 Desirable Traits in a Volunteer
- 099 Disaster Critique - Part 1 (Oct. 17, 1989, Bay Area Earthquake)
- 100 Disaster Critique - Part 2
- 101 Disaster Critique - Part 3
- 102 Disaster Critique - Part 4
- 103 Disaster Critique - Part 5
- 104 Disaster Critique - Part 6
- 105 Amateur TV - Part 1
- 106 Amateur TV - Part 2
- 107 Amateur TV - Part 3
- 108 Amateur TV - Part 4
- 109 Communications Will Always Fail! by Joseph Scanlan - Part 1/2
- 110 Communications Will Always Fail! by Joseph Scanlon - Part 2/2
- 111 What Should Amateurs Expect? - Part 1/2 N6BTJ
- 112 What Should Amateurs Expect? - Part 2/2 N6BTJ
- 113 Do We Know our Customers? Do Our Customers Know Us? N6BTJ
- 114 The Amateur Radio Operators in Time of Need by N6GWL - 1/4
- 115 The Amateur Radio Operators in Time of Need by N6GWL - 2/4
- 116 The Amateur Radio Operators in Time of Need by N6GWL - 3/4
- 117 The Amateur Radio Operators in Time of Need by N6GWL - 4/4
- 118 Public Safety Dispatchers/Telecommunicators
- 119 Disaster Critique - 1/3
- 120 Disaster Critique - 2/3
- 121 Disaster Critique - 3/3
- 122 How to Find High Tech Support - 1/2
- 123 How to Find High Tech Support - 2/2
- 124 ID Cards
- 125 RACES Radio Officer Position Description - 1/9
- 126 RACES Radio Officer Position Description - 2/9
- 127 RACES Radio Officer Position Description - 3/9
- 128 RACES Radio Officer Position Description - 4/9
- 129 RACES Radio Officer Position Description - 5/9
- 130 RACES Radio Officer Position Description - 6/9
- 131 RACES Radio Officer Position Description - 7/9
- 132 RACES Radio Officer Position Description - 8/9
- 133 RACES Radio Officer Position Description - 9/9
- 134 FEMA Region 8 ARES/RACES Workshop in Oregon - 1/3
- 135 FEMA Region 8 ARES/RACES Workshop in Oregon - 2/3
- 136 FEMA Region 8 ARES/RACES Workshop in Oregon - 3/3
- 137 Some governments won't use volunteers - Part 1/2
- 138 Some governments won't use volunteers - Part 2/2
- 139 Management priorities
- 140 RACES Bulletin index - Part 1
- 141 RACES Bulletin index - Part 2
- 142 Operations critique for training purposes - Part 1/2
- 143 Operations critique for training purposes - Part 2/2
- 144 RACES Bulletin index - Part 3
- 145 RACES Bulletin index - Part 4
- 146 Communications Resources Order Form - Part 1/2
- 147 Communications Resources Order Form - Part 2/2
- 148 RACES Bulletin index - Part 5
- 149 RACES Bulletin index - Part 6
- 150 1990 year end message
- 1 9 9 1
- 151 High Frequency antenna survival tip
- 152 NVIS Antennas - Part 1/5 (Near Vertical Incident Skywave)
- 153 NVIS Antennas - Part 2/5
- 154 NVIS Antennas - Part 3/5
- 155 NVIS Antennas - Part 4/5
- 156 NVIS Antennas - Part 5/5
- 157 RACES Bulletin index - Part 7
- 158 RACES Bulletin index - Part 8
- 159 RF-1 Microwave Van
- 160 Communications Mission for Volunteers - Part 1/2
- 161 Communications Mission for Volunteers - Part 2/2
- 162 How does one join the RACES?
- 163 What about Citizens Band?
- 164 How Communications Volunteers can be used - Part 1/2
- 165 How Communications Volunteers can be used - part 2/2
- 166 How to help your Radio Officer
- 167 Equipment for Emergency Responders - Part 1
- 168 Comm Resources Order Form
- 169 "Falling Overboard" - Part 1/5
- 170 "Falling Overboard" - Part 2/5
- 171 "Falling Overboard" - Part 3/5
- 172 "Falling Overboard" - Part 4/5
- 173 "Falling Overboard" - Part 5/5
- 174 Equipment for Emergency Responders - Part2
- 175 Equipment for Emergency Responders - Part3
- 176 Equipment for Emergency Responders - Part4
- 177 Equipment for Emergency Responders - Part5
- 178 Why Volunteers may be Refused
- 179 What is a "Shadow" - Part 1/2
- 180 What is a "Shadow" - Part 2/2
- 181 A Communications Auxiliary
- 182 Press - Public Relations - Part 1/5
- 183 Press - Public Relations - Part 2/5
- 184 Press - Public Relations - Part 3/5
- 185 Press - Public Relations - Part 4/5
- 186 Press - Public Relations - Part 5/5
- 187 Copyright Permission
- 188 Drill or Exercise Reality - Part 1/3
- 189 Drill or Exercise Reality - Part 2/3
- 190 Drill or Exercise Reality - Part 3/3
- 191 MACS - Multi-Agency Coordination System
- 192 Technical - ALE
- 193 Operations - Techniques - Part 1/7
- 194 Operations - Techniques - Part 2/7
- 195 Operations - Techniques - Part 3/7
- 196 Operations - Techniques - Part 4/7
- 197 Operations - Techniques - Part 5/7
- 198 Operations - Techniques - Part 6/7
- 199 Operations - Techniques - Part 7/7
- 200 Government-Owned Ham Equipment
- 201 Management: Mutual Aid
- 202 Misc: 1991 in Review
- 203 MIS Fire Training
- 204 MIS Bulletin Categories - Part 1/2
- 205 MIS Bulletin Categories - Part 2/2
- 206 MGT The use of "outsiders"
- 207 MGT Strengthening Your Emergency Services Staff
- 208 OPS Demobilization - Part 1/4
- 209 OPS Demobilization - Part 2/4
- 210 OPS Demobilization - Part 3/4
- 211 OPS Demobilization - Part 4/4
- 212 OPS Traffic vs. Information
- 213 MGT Problem or Solution?
- 214 MGT Teamwork
- 215 MGT What is a "responder"?
- 216 MGT Keys to Successful Operations
- 217 OPS What Are Some of the Problems With RACES Nets?
- 218 MGT The Radio Officer as a Manager
- 219 MGT Principles of Management for the Radio Officer
- 220 MGT Agency Budget Planning by the Radio Officer
- 221 MGT FEMA Funds "Short Fuse"
- 222 MGT So You Want to Equip an EOC?
- 223 MGT Skill Catagories for Communications Volunteers
- 224 MGT RACES Mission Varies With the Jurisdiction
- 225 MGT Activation of a RACES Unit - Part 1/3
- 226 MGT Activation of a RACES Unit - Part 2/3
- 227 MGT Activation of a RACES Unit - Part 3/3
- 228 OPS "Don't Ask Me to do That -- I'm a Communications Expert!"
- 229 MGT Radio Officer Liaison
- 230 OPS So You Want to Help?
- 231 MGT Too Much of a Good Thing
- 232 MGT Administering the Flow of Responders
- 233 OPS Must a Radio Operator Own a Radio Station?
- 234 MGT Skills Inventory by the Radio Officer
- 235 MGT FCC Rules Part 97 RACES
- 236 OPS Why Simplex Frequencies? - Part 1/2
- 237 OPS Why Simplex Frequencies? - Part 2/2
- 238 MGT Wild Fire Volunteers - Part 1/2
- 239 MGT Wild Fire Volunteers - Part 2/2
- 240 MGT Worker's Compensation - Part 1/3
- 241 MGT Worker's Compensation - Part 2/3
- 242 MGT Worker's Compensation - Part 3/3
- 243 MGT Bulletins-By-Topic Information - Part 1/2
- 244 MGT Bulletins-By-Topic Information - Part 2/2
- 245 MGT The Manager's Resource Data - Part 1/2
- 246 MGT The Manager's Resource Data - Part 2/2
- 247 OPS The Net Control Station - Part 1/2
- 248 OPS The Net Control Station - Part 2/2
- 249 MGT Why Not Multiple RACES Membership?
- 250 MIS Archive and Additional Sources of Bulletins
- 251 MGT Comfort is a Radio Officer
- 252 TEC Portable Radio Batteries - Part 1/2
- 253 TEC Portable Radio Batteries - Part 2/2
- 254 OPS How Hams Didn't Use Ham Radio
- 255 MGT Using Volunteers in Your Comm Center
- 256 OPS Responder's Checklist
- 257 MGT The Importance of Planning - Part 1/2
- 258 MGT The Importance of Planning - Part 2/2
- 259 MGT The FCC "One Hour" Rule
- 260 OPS More Opportunities to Use Your RACES
- 261 MGT Volunteers - Part 1/3
- 262 MGT Volunteers - Part 2/3
- 263 MGT Volunteers - Part 3/3
- 264 OPS The Buddy System
- 265 MGT What Officials Need to Know